Dynamic Prostate Cancer Nomogram: Coefficients


Legend of Symbols:

β0 : Intercept term, denoted by “Intercept”
β(variable name) : Coefficient estimate, associated with a covariate/variable
γ : Scaling parameter in survival regression models, denoted by “Scaling Parameter”
: Model linear predictor, estimated by summation of the intercept term and all β values multiplied by that variable. For example, β0 + βvar1 * var1 + βvar2 * var2 + … βvarN * varN

Linear Regression Models:

Linear regression models are used to predict continuous outcomes. The prediction is estimated by:

predicted result =

Logistic Regression Models:

Logistic regression models are used to predict probabilities. The prediction is estimated by:

predicted probability = e
1 + e

Survival Regression Models:

Survival regression models are used to predict the probability that the patient will be free from an event (e.g. biochemical recurrence) at some time point (e.g. 5 years after surgery). They are also used to predict the probability that the patient will be free from an event at some time point, given that the patient has made it t* years without the event (denoted by P(t > 5 years | t > t*) ). (Note: For a baseline prediction of an event at 5 years, use t*= 0, and the numerator will simplify to 1.) The predictions are estimated by:

P(t > 5 years |t > t*) = 1 + [(e-Xβ)t*]1 ⁄ γ
1 + [(e-Xβ)5]1 ⁄ γ

Note: A PSA test is used to determine biochemical recurrence. If a patient who was free from biochemical recurrence at his last PSA test 3 years after surgery comes in now at 4 years after surgery for a prediction, we can only provide him the probability of being free from biochemical recurrence at 5 years after surgery, given he was free from biochemical recurrence at 3 years after surgery.

Restricted Cubic Spline Terms:

For some variables in our models, we are including restricted cubic spline terms, meaning that two additional terms will be added to each of the models. Because the knots for these terms are at the minimum, maximum, and tertiles, the knots can change on a daily basis. The knot values are included here. The formula to calculate the two spline terms from the knots is:

sp1var = max(var - knot1, 0)3 - max(var - knot3, 0)3 knot4 - knot1
knot4 - knot3
+ max(var - knot4, 0)3 knot3 - knot1
knot4 - knot3

sp2var = max(var - knot2, 0)3 - max(var - knot3,0)3 knot4 - knot2
knot4 - knot3
+ max(var - knot4,0)3 knot3 - knot2
knot4 - knot3

In this example, sp1var and sp2var are the additional spline terms, and var is the value of the variable being splined. The sp1var and sp2var values should be multiplied by their corresponding model coefficients in the model formula to obtain the necessary linear predictor.

Model Type Model Variable Value
survival Preoperative BCR (Cores) Intercept 6.54845103
Patient Age -0.01142415
Preoperative PSA -0.42661017
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 0.00341088
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 -0.00936064
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 -0.87637926
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 -1.96738364
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 -2.63816261
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 -2.6826231
Clinical Stage 2A -0.22515847
Clinical Stage 2B -0.69429852
Clinical Stage 2C -0.43136148
Clinical Stage 3+ -0.8300922
No. of Positive Cores -0.0288405
No. of Negative Cores 0.07753207
Scaling Parameter 1.08821949
C-index 0.80725646
Model N 7186
survival Preoperative BCR Intercept 6.89129254
Patient Age -0.00667038
Preoperative PSA -0.42086984
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 0.00325414
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 -0.00890319
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 -1.00336248
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 -2.13598293
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 -2.67572871
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 -2.96947204
Clinical Stage 2A -0.41919179
Clinical Stage 2B -0.93241185
Clinical Stage 2C -0.7776788
Clinical Stage 3+ -1.20656131
Scaling Parameter 1.11545625
C-index 0.79486841
Model N 12859
logistic Extracapsular Extension (Cores) Intercept -4.15856825
Patient Age 0.03315785
Preoperative PSA 0.23689779
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00155664
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00421604
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 0.57991782
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 1.04867838
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 1.08939426
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 2.15344712
Clinical Stage 2A 0.2284917
Clinical Stage 2B 0.72812163
Clinical Stage 2C 0.44582508
Clinical Stage 3+ 1.38278725
No. of Positive Cores 0.09196409
No. of Negative Cores -0.08716265
AUC 0.78372783
Model N 7165
logistic Extracapsular Extension Intercept -4.43655304
Patient Age 0.02833911
Preoperative PSA 0.23913315
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00161171
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00437081
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 0.8860922
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 1.39796826
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 1.41353564
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 2.45951772
Clinical Stage 2A 0.36001666
Clinical Stage 2B 0.92904125
Clinical Stage 2C 0.84127043
Clinical Stage 3+ 1.66646485
AUC 0.7627261
Model N 12814
logistic Lymph Node Involvement (Cores) Intercept -5.37368223
Patient Age 0.00906354
Preoperative PSA 0.21239809
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00132481
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00356913
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 1.11942836
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 2.04349206
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 2.38639019
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 3.03232465
Clinical Stage 2A 0.41343583
Clinical Stage 2B 0.61334931
Clinical Stage 2C 0.76929921
Clinical Stage 3+ 0.71055042
No. of Positive Cores 0.05499551
No. of Negative Cores -0.11987793
AUC 0.84916281
Model N 6599
logistic Lymph Node Involvement Intercept -6.16816581
Patient Age 0.0057656
Preoperative PSA 0.1995788
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00114465
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00304027
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 1.49969162
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 2.41319895
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 2.77874176
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 3.53163304
Clinical Stage 2A 0.49826546
Clinical Stage 2B 0.85236704
Clinical Stage 2C 1.18370788
Clinical Stage 3+ 1.34546403
AUC 0.8478659
Model N 11816
logistic Organ Confined Disease (Cores) Intercept 3.70545391
Patient Age -0.03143678
Preoperative PSA -0.21663245
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 0.00123992
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 -0.00329964
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 -0.41226851
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 -0.96046378
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 -0.90807597
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 -2.12944092
Clinical Stage 2A -0.2328776
Clinical Stage 2B -0.67944746
Clinical Stage 2C -0.38677363
Clinical Stage 3+ -1.28845284
No. of Positive Cores -0.08551348
No. of Negative Cores 0.0866053
AUC 0.77100921
Model N 6698
logistic Organ Confined Disease Intercept 4.10123098
Patient Age -0.02711172
Preoperative PSA -0.2289207
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 0.00143491
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 -0.00386169
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 -0.74330601
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 -1.31501818
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 -1.29291849
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 -2.45664546
Clinical Stage 2A -0.35412526
Clinical Stage 2B -0.88304539
Clinical Stage 2C -0.7937644
Clinical Stage 3+ -1.66390345
AUC 0.7538509
Model N 11978
logistic Seminal Vesicle Invasion (Cores) Intercept -5.80854959
Patient Age 0.02212368
Preoperative PSA 0.31963703
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00250076
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00683011
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 0.66352931
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 1.5969398
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 1.79682202
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 2.80766015
Clinical Stage 2A 0.16709435
Clinical Stage 2B 0.40037401
Clinical Stage 2C 0.46912914
Clinical Stage 3+ 0.6154436
No. of Positive Cores 0.06147231
No. of Negative Cores -0.1772358
AUC 0.86228792
Model N 7157
logistic Seminal Vesicle Invasion Intercept -5.93445458
Patient Age 0.00603373
Preoperative PSA 0.23269245
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 -0.00138984
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 0.00368768
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 2 1.12622725
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 3 2.01641249
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 4 2.09276511
Biopsy Gleason Grade Group 5 3.11808355
Clinical Stage 2A 0.38397337
Clinical Stage 2B 0.7317131
Clinical Stage 2C 1.05132091
Clinical Stage 3+ 1.3205862
AUC 0.83724615
Model N 12802
survival Postoperative BCR Intercept 6.06544681
Patient Age 0.00217305
Preoperative PSA -0.30855258
Preoperative PSA Spline 1 0.00273133
Preoperative PSA Spline 2 -0.00754754
Pathologic Gleason Grade Group 2 -0.85166185
Pathologic Gleason Grade Group 3 -2.04732288
Pathologic Gleason Grade Group 4 -2.69430008
Pathologic Gleason Grade Group 5 -2.730107
Extracapsular Extension -0.75415866
Seminal Vesicle Invasion -0.52491813
Lymph Node Involvement -1.1522794
Surgical Margin Status -0.87872476
Scaling Parameter 0.98794906
C-index 0.83823618
Model N 11960
Knot Value
PSAPreopKnot1 0.2
PSAPreopKnot2 4.7
PSAPreopKnot3 7.2
PSAPreopKnot4 96.53

Last Updated: January 14, 2020