Kelsey R. Temprine, PhD

Graduate Student

Pictured: Kelsey Temprine

Start Year


End Year



University of Texas Austin

I’ve always had a scientific curiosity, starting with dinosaurs and space as a kid. As I grew up, I knew I wanted to do something in the sciences, but I wasn’t sure what until I worked in a cancer lab at UT Southwestern in Dallas one summer. The people in the lab were amazing. They were looking for a noninvasive test for colon cancer. It sparked a fascination with the study of cancer, and I was immediately hooked on a career in research. Cancer is a fascinating disease because it’s a disease of ourselves — our own cells using normal developmental pathways to grow, a battle between the cancer cells and the host for dominance. I chose Gerstner Sloan Kettering for my PhD because of its focus on bridging the clinical and research sides of research, and its innovative approach to classes and rotations. Plus, it is in New York City! In New York, you can find most anything you want if you look hard enough!


Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (NIH F31) (2013-2018)

Geoffrey Beene Graduate Student Fellowship (2013-2014)