

The Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Service has four attending doctors  who specialize in nutrition and who work alongside fellows, nurse practitioners, and dieticians. The service provides nutrition consultations for both inpatients and outpatients. This involves assessing each person’s nutritional status, reviewing the role of nutrition in cancer and GI disorders, and providing nutritional treatments, including total parenteral nutrition (TPN), enteral nutrition, and dietary therapies. All TPN therapies are managed by the Nutrition Service. The Nutrition Clinics take care of outpatients who receive home enteral and parenteral feeding, those who have metabolic disorders, and people with malnutrition related to cancer and other GI diseases.

The research programs focus on the nutrition requirements and care of people with cancer and GI disorders, the role of nutrition in the growth of cancer, and the development of endoscopic methods for enteral nutrition.