The Alexandra Joyner Lab: Publications


Selected Publications

Wojcinski, A., Lawton, A., Bayin, N.S., Lao, Z., Stephen, D. and Joyner, A.L. (2017) Cerebellar granule cell replenishment post-injury by adaptive reprogramming of Nestin+ progenitors. Nature Neuroscience, 20:1361-1370. 

Tan IL, Arifa RDN, Rallapalli H, Kana V, Lao Z, Sanghrajka RM, Sumru Bayin N, Tanne A, Wojcinski A, Korshunov A, Bhardwaj N, Merad M, Turnbull DH, Lafaille JJ, Joyner AL. CSF1R inhibition depletes tumor-associated macrophages and attenuates tumor progression in a mouse sonic Hedgehog-Medulloblastoma model. Oncogene. 2021 Jan;40(2):396-407. doi: 10.1038/s41388-020-01536-0. Epub 2020 Nov 6. PubMed PMID: 33159168; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7855734. 

Bayin N. Sumru, Mizrak Dogukan, Stephen Daniel N., Lao Zhimin, Sims Peter A., Joyner Alexandra L.. Injury-induced ASCL1 expression orchestrates a transitory cell state required for repair of the neonatal cerebellum. Science Advances. 2021 December; 7(50):eabj1598. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1598. 

Lawton, A., Engstrom, T., Rohrbach, D., Mamou, J., Turnbull, D.H., Zhang, T., Schwarz, J. and Joyner, A.L. (2019) Brain folding is initiated by mechanical constraints on a fluid-like layer without a cellular pre-pattern. eLife, 8. pil: e45019. 

Willett, R.T*., Bayin, N.S.*, Lee, A.S.*, Krishnamurthy, A.*, Wojcinski, A.*, N., N.S., Lao, Z., Stephen, D., Rosello-Diez, A., Dauber, K.L., Orvis, G.D., Wu, Z., Tessier-Lavigne, M. and Joyner, A.L. (2019) Cerebellar nuclei excitatory neurons regulate developmental scaling of presynaptic Purkinje cells and organ growth. eLife, Nov 19;8. pii: e50617 

Ahmadzadeh, E., A., Bayin, N.S., Qu, X., Singh, Madisen, L., Stephen, D., Zeng, H., JoynerA.L.* and Rosello-Diez, A.* (2020) A collection of genetic mouse lines and related tools for inducible and reversible intersectional misexpression. Development, 147 dev186650 

Review Articles

Petrova R., Joyner A.L. (2014). Roles for Hedgehog signaling in adult organ homeostasis and repair. Development. 141:3445-57. doi: 10.1242/dev.083691.

Leto K., Arancillo M., Becker E.B., Buffo A., Chiang C., Ding B., Dobyns W.B., Dusart I., Haldipur P., Hatten M.E., Hoshino M., Joyner A.L., Kano M., Kilpatrick D.L., Koibuchi N., Marino S., Martinez S., Millen K.J., Millner T.O., Miyata T., Parmigiani E., Schilling K., Sekerková G., Sillitoe R.V., Sotelo C., Uesaka N., Wefers A., Wingate R.J., Hawkes R. (2016). Consensus Paper: Cerebellar Development. Cerebellum., 15:789-828. doi:10.1007/s12311-015-0724-2.