Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines

VIDEO | 3:21
Hear from Bernard Park about how easy and beneficial it is to get screened for lung cancer at MSK. Dr. Park is Deputy Chief of Clinical Affairs in the Thoracic Service at MSK.
Video Details

Our doctors recommend lung cancer screening for people based on their age and the number of years they’ve smoked.

We recommend screening if you:

  • currently smoke or quit smoking within the past 15 years
  • are between the ages of 50 and 80
  • have smoked an average of one pack per day for at least 20 years, or the equivalent (for example, two packs a day for 10 years)

We also recommend smoking cessation counseling or referral for individuals who currently smoke.

Getting screened could be a breath of fresh air.
See if you are eligible for a lung cancer screening with a two-minute quiz.